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black horse chess piece near roque chess piece
black horse chess piece near roque chess piece
chess pieces on board
chess pieces on board

First of all

Welcome to Bokaro District Chess

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting chess in Bokaro, Jharkhand. Our mission is to provide a platform for district level players to showcase their skills and passion for the game.

chess board set
chess board set

Not to mention

Tournaments and Competitions

Explore our upcoming tournaments and competitions for players of all levels. From beginners to experts, we have something for everyone. Join our community and showcase your skills.

red glass water bong on brown wooden table
red glass water bong on brown wooden table

And let's not forget

Photo Gallery

Check out our photo gallery and relive the best moments from our past competitions and events. From intense matches to friendly gatherings, we capture it all.

About Us

Bokaro District Chess was founded in 2005 to promote chess among district level players in Bokaro, Jharkhand. Since then, we have organized several tournaments and competitions, and provided a platform for players to showcase their skills.

Checkmate your way to success

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